HSA Marketplace

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Lively’s HSA Marketplace focuses on the primary use case of all HSA accounts – spending.

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Save Time and Money on Health Expenses

Healthcare is expensive. This isn’t news to you. Out-of-pocket healthcare costs are almost $10,000 per individual each year. HSAs can help reduce those costs, but what about all of the wasted time you get stuck searching for inferior healthcare services, providers or solutions? Combining the time and money you waste on healthcare each year, will leave your head spinning. There are many solutions that tackle each of these problems, but a truly modern experience needs to solve both.

HSA Spending

Did you know 82% of all HSA funds are spent on medical expenses each year? And that HSA account holders spent over $22.5 billion dollars on qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses in 2017.

Health costs are up. Health spending is up. HSA spending, also up. Why does this matter?  HSAs allow for tax-free savings and spending. That’s a 25% savings right off the bat (savings from federal and state income taxes). However, finding IRS approved HSA-eligible items is more muddled than finding the right health insurance plan. More HSA spending means more cost savings, but also more time wasted searching the IRS website. We can fix that.

Lively’s HSA Marketplace

Lively’s HSA Marketplace focuses on the primary use case of all HSA accounts – spending. Our marketplace connects account holders to cost-effective and convenient products and services. They get exclusive healthcare discounts and save time.

Initial HSA Marketplace partners include a variety of recognized industry leaders and up-and-coming online brands that showcase the wide range of HSA-eligible expenses. These options include:

  • General expenses
  • Primary care
  • Vision
  • Dental
  • Financing
  • Price Shopping

Lively’s HSA Marketplace combines innovative, cost-effective solutions with a beautifully designed and simple to use interface – at no cost to our account holders. It is truly a modern HSA experience.

“With the continued rise in healthcare costs, both premiums and out-of-pocket costs, we wanted to create a clear path to exclusive discounts and added HSA savings. Contrary to popular belief, we know savings and personalized healthcare products can exist together,” Alex Cyriac, Lively Co-Founder & CEO.

The result is cost-effective and convenient qualified medical expenses products and services that allow users to get more exclusive healthcare discounts and save time. It makes HSA saving and spending that much easier.

You can spend your tax-free HSA funds on the health-related items you desperately need. Isn’t it about time something in the healthcare space was easy? We think so. You can see a full list of Lively marketplace partners here.

Disclaimer: the content presented in this article are for informational purposes only, and is not, and must not be considered tax, investment, legal, accounting or financial planning advice, nor a recommendation as to a specific course of action. Investors should consult all available information, including fund prospectuses, and consult with appropriate tax, investment, accounting, legal, and accounting professionals, as appropriate, before making any investment or utilizing any financial planning strategy.